
Your Local Travel Guide to Guizhou, China: 6 Days, 5 Nights Itinerary and Top Sights to See

During the 2024 Dragon Boat Festival holiday, my wife and I embarked on a self-guided tour of Guizhou, China. Our trip spanned six days and five nights, visiting the following destinations: Huangguoshu Waterfall in Anshun, Xiaoqikong Scenic Area in Libo, Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village, Zhenyuan Ancient Town, and Guiyang city. Although we had planned to visit Fanjing Mountain after Zhenyuan Ancient Town, we canceled the plan due to weather conditions and decided to save the hike for a future weekend. Tip: For foreign travelers visiting Guizhou, China, please note that Google Maps is not accessible in China. Instead, we recommend downloading Baidu Maps or Amap (Gaode Maps) for navigating the





2024 端午节假期之际,和老婆一起贵州自由行,行程一共六天五晚,景点包括:安顺市黄果树瀑布景区、荔波小七孔景区、西江千户苗寨、镇远古城和贵阳市区。我们原计划的行程是在镇远古城玩了之后去梵净山,但是由于天气不是很好的原因我们在最后出行前取消了,决定找个周末再去爬山。



各位经常往返于深圳和香港的小伙伴,是否已经厌倦了每周一次的束缚?现在,深圳居民翘首以盼的 赴香港“一签多行”政策 终于在2024 年 12 月 1 日正式实施啦! 这项新政不仅是对现有签注政策的重大升级,更是深港两地交流迈向新台阶的重要一步。今天,就让我们一起来深度解读这项便民政策,以及它将如何影响我们的赴港旅行。