One-Day Trip Guide to Guangzhou's Chimelong Safari Park (Tickets + Map Route + Opening Hours + Tips)

Planning a day trip to Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou, China? This practical guide provides all the details you need—from ticket prices and best routes to opening hours and essential tips—to ensure a smooth and enjoyable visit. Last week, I visited Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou during a heavy rainstorm. I’ve put together this guide based on that experience to help you plan your visit. If you’re planning a trip to China, be sure to include Guangzhou Changlong Safari Park in your itinerary. Located in Guangzhou, this expansive park offers a thrilling experience [阅读全文]

Your Local Travel Guide to Guizhou, China: 6 Days, 5 Nights Itinerary and Top Sights to See

During the 2024 Dragon Boat Festival holiday, my wife and I embarked on a self-guided tour of Guizhou, China. Our trip spanned six days and five nights, visiting the following destinations: Huangguoshu Waterfall in Anshun, Xiaoqikong Scenic Area in Libo, Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village, Zhenyuan Ancient Town, and Guiyang city. Although we had planned to visit Fanjing Mountain after Zhenyuan Ancient Town, we canceled the plan due to weather conditions and decided to save the hike for a future weekend. Tip: For foreign travelers visiting Guizhou, China, please note that Google Maps is not accessible in China. Instead, we recommend downloading Baidu Maps or Amap (Gaode Maps) for navigating the [阅读全文]



计划一次广州长隆野生动物园一日游?这篇实用攻略将为您提供详细的信息,从门票价格到最佳游玩路线、开放时间及注意事项,确保您的旅程轻松愉快。 长隆旗下有珠海长隆和广州长隆,上周从深圳前往广州玩了两天,一天是在暴雨中去了广州长隆 [阅读全文]


2024 端午节假期之际,和老婆一起贵州自由行,行程一共六天五晚,景点包括:安顺市黄果树瀑布景区、荔波小七孔景区、西江千户苗寨、镇远古城和贵阳市区。我们原计划的行程是在镇远古城玩了之后去梵净山,但是由于天气不是很好的原因我们在最 [阅读全文]


2019 年国庆和 5 位小伙伴一起去了英国旅游,行程结束后自己懒得整理游记,于是转载好友蕾酱拌饭笔下的游记并适当添加修改~ Day 1(9 月 26 日):HK 机场出发 因为 PK 要参加婚礼,英国行是大半年前约定好的行程,3 月份买好的机票,因为航司破产 [阅读全文]